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About me:

I have  started my life modelling journey in 2018, when travelling to Sydney, Australia. 

Since then, I have taken part in a wide range of beautiful artworks created by talented artists in different parts of the world.

For me, Life-modelling is much more than a job- it is about healing, inspiring and creating.

Giving the sacred female body a place to be fully celebrated and respected.

Here,  I am   presenting some of  my chosen art works.

With a reminder: "Learning how to appreciate & respect beauty will save the world." -Liorette


Chosen Artworks

Drawings, paintings, sculptures
The process of creation

Artwork & Photography: Roni Yoffe

10 sessions, 30 hours

Atelier Webber

Habonim, Israel2022

WhatsApp Image 2022-08-18 at 15.44.15.jpeg

"The Fruits of your accomplishments can never be forbidden"

~wild woman

Contact me

If  you have worked with me in the past and would like to have some of your works presented here, and\or you would like to work with me- Please fill the form below.

Thanks for submitting!

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